Direct Primary Care is all in the name.
It’s primary care, directed to you.


Using the Direct Primary Care model:

You are our focus.

By working outside the traditional insurance model, we free up a lot of time typically wasted on administrative jargon, and use that time toward helping you achieve your health goals.

  • You are more than just a name on a chart.

    We want to know you: as a patient, as a person, and as a member of the EPH family.

  • Healthcare is not a one-size-fits-all plan.

    EPH offers a one-on-one plan, dedicating a successful path to elevated healthcare specific to you and your needs.

  • Traditional physicians have, on average, 3,000 patients.

    DPC physicians typically have a 600-patient panel.

    For EPH members, this equals more time spent on you. You will experience all the benefits of having your doctor on speed-dial, without the hassle of long wait times, inconvenient visit hours, and zero co-pays.